It matters not how Gustavo met his end. It's time for me to evict him, and send him into the light. He's not malevolent. He's lonely and distracting when it's most inconvenient for me. I've numerous creative snippets, opening paragraphs, and titles simmering in my idea journal that he's been preventing me from completing. Not one for navel-gazing, my mind wanders, and off I go cleaning or rearranging something. This isn't avoidance or typical creative procrastination. I've felt a weight descend upon me. During those moments, I've been able to step outside of my body and see myself in suspended, distracted animation.
Gustavo's a puppeteer, and I've been his unwitting doll that he's manipulated far too long. It's time to call on fellow faith/spiritual warriors to exorcise and evict him.
My mistake has been downgrading him all these years. He's not evil, just lonely. He's not evil, just finds ways to distract. Well, enough of that nonsense. If it's not helping me, it's definitely hurting me. Gustavo, I'm calling you out. Be gone!
I've made excuses for myself, and those, too, must stop. I know Gustavo's real, and not a euphemism or thinly-veiled rationale for fear of success, of which I know I don't suffer. I've thought this through over the years. Probably too much. I've given it and him energy that should've fueled my writing, working out, living, rather than feeling trapped in my home office.
I need to figure this out soon because I'm not getting any younger, and I've circled this fork in the road too many times. What could this/he represent in my life?
There's a marked difference when I'm not in the apartment. Outside, I feel free, weightless, and oftentimes don't want to return home. I know what I feel is real, and not something I've manufactured from my writer's toolkit.
I've felt the presence of evil sitting on the edge of my bed that made me bolt upright and command it to leave. That was a one-time occurrence. Maybe I've been wrong all this time, and it was Gustavo who sat on the edge of my bed, but then has since changed his complexion so that I think he's innocent and not focused daily on getting rid of him. Angels and demons, from what I've read and been told, are masters of illusion.
Act Three: time for me call upon all of my faith, strength, and determination and send him into the light. Gustavo, I send you forth into the light, or the into the bowels of hell, if you prefer. Just get thee behind me!
Great post! This person refuses to make his transition to the other side.
He just needs to be set straight and told who is boss! That coupled with a little sage and some incense should send him packing.
I was gonna suggest the same thing as Tarot Scope: It's time for a good saging and prayer over the threshold to your home.
Sage every corner of the apartment, and pray for peace and for all unwanted spirits to leave the home, and pray for your spirit to inhabit and make yours, the space.
And lastly, pray for Gustavo's peace. Then speak to him. Tell him is time in this plane of existence has ended. His place is now in the spirit realm.
Sounds like Gustavo just needs to be told it's OK for him to go. You've met him, you've felt him, but it's time for him to transition to Glory and peace.
This has the makings of a really good story. I'm not suggesting that your imagination is getting the best of you.
What I am saying is that you need to write the story. Perhaps that's what's haunting you.
Perhaps that is why Gustavo is there with.
I'm also saying this because I was sad when this blog ended. I wanted to read more.
Thanks for being so honest.
It inspired me.
By the way I love the title, "Spiritual Warfare in Harlem".
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